Fake Rollers

Is it okay to use fake jade roller

Nothing beats the real deal. Think real friends. Real Levi jeans. And yes, real face rollers.

Just like sunglasses, perfumes, and handbags, there are fake versions of face rollers. So how can you protect yourself from being duped? We’re about to tell you…


Related: Facial massage roller reviews – Best Jade and Rose Quartz & Amethyst Roller.


The price of the face roller

Let’s be real here. Price is a major flag when it comes to crystal face rollers. Real crystals will be more expensive than counterfeits.


We know what you’re thinking…does it matter if the stone is real? Isn’t the rolling motion the real magic behind face rollers? Yes, and no.


The purpose of investing in a jade or rose quartz face roller is to not just to reap the benefits of the actual rolling motion but the healing energy of the particular stone.


Known as the “Stone of Heaven”, Jade is praised for its ability to promote inner peace and a sense of calmness. It also balances energy and enhances positivity. Rose Quartz, is the “Stone of Love” and is believed to support connection with others and with yourself. It helps you forgive and let go of past hurts, and inspires the love of beauty in oneself and others.


When considering a roller, manufacturers have become sneaky, replicating crystals by dying and chemically treating marble, glass, plastic, serpentine, and aventurine quartz. Harmful additions could cause skin sensitivity and irritation. This aside, fake stones break and chip more easily.


How to know if your jade roller is real?

Here are 5 steps in how can you tell if jade is real? Read on:

How can you tell a fake jade roller

  1. Check for a smooth, bright color that reflects light like water. Genuine jade fluctuates from dim forestry green to smooth light green with whirls of white. If there are no flaws like dark dabs or white twirls, you can assume it’s a colored stone. Zoom in on photos online.

2.Sometimes a jade roller isn’t green. Say what? Yup, Agate jade rollers can be more brown than green.

3.Real jade can break if it is dropped and is impervious to scratching. It’s also cool to the touch. Check out the reviews.

4.Jade rollers under $20 are likely going to be phony. An exception to the rule is the MoValues original jade roller , which is 100% real.

5. If it’s made of serpentine, Xiuyan jade, new jade, Australian jade, Malaysian jade, or mountain jade, it’s not real jade. There are only two types of jade: jadeite and nephrite.


How to know if rose quartz roller is real?

How can you tell if rose quartz is real? We have you covered:

how to tell if a rose quartz is real

1.Tiny bubbles inside the stone can indicate that your Rose Quartz is actually glass infused with rose-colored dye. This crystal shouldn’t have any oddly shaped air bubbles inside the stone.

2.Nothing in nature is perfect. Stones that don’t have any fine white waves, lines, or streaks are not genuine rose quartz. Zoom up on the product picture.

3. If your rose quartz is too bright in color or a deep pink be cautious. Natural rose quartz is a light pink (think candyfloss). Anything darker and it could be fake.

4. If complaints have been received that the rose quartz roller doesn’t feel cold to touch, swipe to next.

5. Again, price can be an indicator if your roller is made of real rose quartz.


Get ready to roll:

When looking at facial rollers, complaints of crystal chipping or breaking easily should raise an alarm, as should price. The lower the price, the bigger the chance the stone used in the face roller is a phony.

Have you bought a fake roller? Let us know in the comments section.