Face Sculpturing

Face sculpturing: Why this DIY facelift is turning heads

face yoga exercises

You’ll be blown away to hear that non-surgical face sculpting is an effective and dermatologist-backed treatment for dealing with some of the most annoying skin aging niggles. That’s because face sculpturing is a wonderful aid to tone, contour, shape, lift, and smooth, fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging for a more refreshed, and younger-looking you. Ready to get fit to face the world? Then let’s knuckle down…


If you’re not up to going under the knife just yet, skin sculpturing could be the answer for you.


We also love the idea of massaging away the years, so add a face roller to your face workout to target signs of aging. Take a look at our top-rated face rollers, jade, rose and amethyst.


What exactly is face sculpturing?

face yoga muscles Just like the rest of your body, the muscles in your face require exercise to stay toned and fit (all 42 of them). Exercising facial muscles is not a new phenomenon. The French were the first to try their hand at this technique back in the 1700s.


Over the centuries, face sculpturing has been called everything from face yoga to face Pilates to face aerobics (but without the spandex). Whatever you want to call it, facial exercises are one of the best, easiest, and cheapest ways to get your glow on, strengthen facial muscles, and even combat signs of aging. 


Don’t let the next part slip through your fingers… read on.


Do face exercises really work?

When we’re young, the fat pads under the skin on our face sit snugly together – like an American quilt – but as we age those pads become thinner and looser.

Working on specific facial muscles in controlled poses helps the muscles get bigger and stronger, reducing lines and filling in facial contours.


Sculpturing faces these five problems head-on:

  1. Weakened muscles in your face
  2. The appearance of wrinkles
  3. Decreased blood circulation
  4. Tension in the face and neck
  5. Sagging and loose facial skin


Face exercises results


Do face exercises really work?

face yoga results

We think they certainly help. Have a look at these face yoga before and after photos and judge for yourself.


How to perform face sculpturing 

Love Angelina Jolie’s maleficent cheekbones, Keira Knightley perfect jawline, or Meghan Markle’s sparkle? While not all of us are blessed in the genetics department (or married to a prince), that’s not to say we can’t try our hand at shaping and sculpturing our face. The best thing about face sculpturing is that it’s something you can DIY. Let’s give it a try.

how to do face sculpturing correctly

  • Apply a moisturizing base. Now get into position. With eyes wide open, mouth agape, and tongue extended to the side start breathing deeply. In and out. Now start humming to your favorite tune. If you’re stumped for a song, simple buzzing will do the trick. This is probably a look best left for the four-walls of your bathroom, with no eyewitnesses (and yes, you do look a little silly)!


  • Using your fingers, and start working deep into the core facial muscles of your face. Experts recommend one simple pose done daily for five minutes. Results should take form within about five to six months.


Face exercise expert Danielle Collins says that everyone has a different face, so the time it takes to see changes varies from person to person. As a general rule of thumb, you should start to see improvements in your face and neck after about two weeks, provided you don’t skip a day.

Is face sculpturing safe for all skin types?

Yes, when left in your capable hands, face sculpturing is safe for all skin types. But, of course, there are some exceptions. If you have sensitive skin or suffer eczema, rosacea, or psoriasis, you may want to ease up on the pressure, since massaging too hard might irritate your skin. The same goes for anyone with inflamed acne. Massaging pimples can irritate them and worsen existing breakouts. 


Roll ahead to see the 6 face yoga poses that’ll prevent signs of aging.


Simple mini facelift: Facial exercise for men & women

Woman doing face yoga exercises for her neck, eyes and jowls

Looking for a quick all-rounder? Then the mini facelift is your go-to technique. This mini facelift does it all in one. It helps with droopy eyelids, turkey neck, and loose muscles.

  1. Tilt your head back until you are eyeing at the ceiling.
  2. Tuck your lips inwards and release (think duck lips in reverse).
  3. Hold for 10 seconds.
  4. Repeat 10-15 sets.


Facial exercises for a slimmer face 

Are you looking for a way to slim down your face? By doing these exercises for face fat, you can slim your chin and reduce your jowls.

face gymnastics for slimmer face1. Keep your chin up.


2 Next, stick out your tongue


3. Repeat 3 to 5 times a day.

Do face exercises work for double chin?

If you love a double chin, raise your hand. No one? We’re not surprised. A double chin (known by many names including cow saddle, double whopper, and, our favorite, gwaddle) can make you look heavier than you really are. Trim face fat and get a more defined chin with this nifty double chin workout:

face yoga double chin

1. With your head tilted backwards, move your lower lip over your upper lip.


2. Hold for 10 seconds.


3. Complete 10-15 sets.


Did you know that even chewing gum regularly can get your jaw muscles in motion?

Face exercise to combat fine lines under the eyes

This exercise is best done in front of a mirror.

  1. Partly wink one eye for a second, while keeping the other eye open. This feels a little awkward at first, but stay with us.
  2. Ensure that you are contracting all of the muscles around the eye.
  3. Release and repeat 20-25 times.
  4. Switch to the other eye.

Yoga Facial Exercises For Marionette Lines

No RBF is not some new-age nickname for besties. It stands for resting you-know-what face. In two words –Marionette lines. Marionette lines (named after the marionette string-puppet), are creases that develop in the same area over time, running from the outer corners of the lips to the outer corners of the chin.


While we know Yoga is good for your body and soul it’s also great for tackling Marionette lines. There are numerous other physical benefits to face yoga, too, from alleviating neck pain, snoring, headaches, and speech issues.


Here’s the way to do it:

  1. Pucker your lips to one side until you feel a stretch in your cheek.
  2. Turn your head to that side and lift at a 45 degrees angle.
  3. Hold for 3 seconds to feel the stretch in your neck.
  4. Remember to do both sides.


Having a senior moment? If you’re still unsure of how to do facial yoga click here for simple illustrations on how to perform various face exercises.

Fitness, but for your face: The wrap-up

Nobody enjoys looking older. But let’s face it, the hands of time catch up to the best of us. But even though wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging is an expected part of the aging process, you still have control of how you look and what you do for your face.

If you’re not up to going under the knife just yet skin sculpturing can diminish the signs of aging by addressing the underlying causes: collagen depletion and loss of elasticity.